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PetroleumRx > PDS Enhancements (Page 2)

Changes to Inventory Value Report

We've made two changes to the Inventory Value Report: First, we've changed the style of the setup.  The old method was typical of how reports in PDS were all once written, where we ask one question, then another, then another, and so on until we finally...

Volume Suppression with Pack Code

Most users face the issue that some of the things that appear on invoices as "products sold", really should not count toward total volume when analyzing sales.  We've allowed one means of exception, via the Product Category.  A PCAT (or subPCAT) can be marked to...

Canadian Postal Codes

As part of our move into Canada the zip code file has been changed to record Canadian style postal codes.  The zip field is a ten byte alpha field, so one could always enter such a code, but previously, if the entry wasn't a number,...

Mass purge of entire Invoice Registers

We're testing changes to the Invoice Purge, where we've added an option to cycle through an entire Invoice Register sub-queue, purging every invoice found.  Nobody has run it live yet, but if you encounter a situation where you have to purge off a queue's worth...