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PetroleumRx > PDS Enhancements  > Overlay Document Features

Overlay Document Features

We have enhanced the document (invoice, statements, etc.) creation program so that the PDF file created by the PRX system can now support additional features. Previously, an invoice or statement document consisted of a background image with merged text on top of it. There is now support to generate fillable PDF documents. For example, allowing the user to fill in the signature box on the PDF invoice.

Additionally, there is now support to generate PDF documents with embedded links, e.g. clicking on a logo sends the user to a website, launches email, or links to another document. You can also add images or a custom font.

Click on this link to view a sample PDF doc –  Sample Invoice     (Works best if invoice is viewed in Adobe Reader or Acrobat)

In the attached sample, we have added the following:

  • Link to Website – If you click on the logo at top left, it will take you to
  • Link to document – If you click on the “Customer Appreciation” image, it will link you to a document containing information about the event.
  • Signature Field – At the bottom of the invoice, there’s a signature capture field. This allows the user to digitally sign the document.



For additional email, features see HTML Email Body.