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PetroleumRx > Posts tagged "GL"

Journal History display redone

We've recently made major improvements to a feature at 1, 10, 111, 9 called Journal History.  This provides a one-line display of every journal posted, showing: Journal type:  CR Reference number: 3960 Post Date: 07-31-16 System Date: 160802 08:27:01 bills Description: PDS6505 Total Debits:  8,456.71 One is able to apply filters to...

Budget Volume Analysis

We have added a new variation of the Income Statement we call the Budget Volume Analysis, but has also been called an Operational Income Statement.  To use it, one must maintain a budget, in dollars, and in a addition, a new entity called Budget Volume. ...

GL Menu Changes

We've made a minor change at G/L Menu Item #120.  In the past, this led to the Cash Report (Statement of Cash Flows).  We've changed this to lead to a new Report Menu, on which are three reports.  First is the Cash Flow Statement, so...

G/L Business Groups – Exclude option

Business Groups are a means of creating an Income Statement from a sum of sectors (divisions).  They are used when the natural roll-up to consolidated doesn't produce what's needed.  One normally builds a group by listing the sectors to add: perhaps 1-05, plus 2-05 and...