Petroleum Rx Rebrands as Senita Solutions & Joins Green Planet Group
We are happy to announce a significant milestone in our journey towards innovation, growth, and enhanced service offerings. Effective January 1, 2024, Petroleum Rx has rebranded as Senita Solutions and proudly becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of Green Planet Group, a longstanding partner with...
Overlay Document Features
We have enhanced the document (invoice, statements, etc.) creation program so that the PDF file created by the PRX system can now support additional features. Previously, an invoice or statement document consisted of a background image with merged text on top of it. There is...
Profile tax support on the Tax Reports
We have modified the Excise Tax Reports to pick up all taxes on the profiles, and not just the "PRODHEAD" taxes, the single Federal, State and Miscellaneous authorities that are seen in Order Entry, or that are maintained in Site Posting Codes. Installation is retroactive;...
Fleet Analytics Report
Note a major new report and .csv export, designed to become the key means of contact with your cardlock accounts, outside of the invoices. It combines several themes already present, just better organized and controlled: Like the Excel email of cardlock transactions, this is something that...
Rebates as a new Customer Screen
We've added another Customer Maintenance screen to list the rebates the customer is tied to. At present, we show only the rebate number, the price table and the discount. We expect to expand this later to a display of rebate activity. Access it via "REB"...
Credit Card Fees as a Reversed Discount
We're seeing more surcharge activity related to the acceptance of credit cards. This is built into our online payments, and we see some of our clients looking to manage it manually from Cash Receipts. For now, we're running it through the existing mechanism to track...
Vendor Tags
We've added Tags to Vendors, similar to the tags that now attach to Customers, Salesmen and Products. This will allow new categorization of vendors by user-defined means. The first use is as a new filter in the A/P Open Invoice List. We choose to put...
Journal History display redone
We've recently made major improvements to a feature at 1, 10, 111, 9 called Journal History. This provides a one-line display of every journal posted, showing: Journal type: CR Reference number: 3960 Post Date: 07-31-16 System Date: 160802 08:27:01 bills Description: PDS6505 Total Debits: 8,456.71 One is able to apply filters to...
CL Invoice Total as part of header
Just noting that most of you print the Cardlock Invoice Grand Total only at the bottom of the last page. That's fine if that invoice consumes but a single page, but as we've expanded the totals section over the years, multi-page invoices are usually the...
Long Email Addresses
We have some patches available to allow sending out to contact email addresses that exceed the current limit of 40 bytes. The limit is increased to 80 bytes. Note this doesn't work on the fly, such as when an email is entered at the printer...