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PetroleumRx > Uncategorized (Page 4)

Product Maintenance Rank option

Like Customers, Products are ranked each night.  For some time, Customer Maintenance had an option to step though accounts, using "N" for next, in the order of one of 7 rankings.  We've just added a similar option for Products.  Products are ranked in four ways: Total...

Cardlock batch ranking – Network options

We've enhanced the Cardlock Batch Ranking screen, the "$" option from the Cardlock Menu.  This is used to rank and summarize the contents of the billing file.  There are two enhancements designed to make it easier to track multiple networks: First, when listing ranked accounts, there...

CSV file extension of C/L Polling Journal

We've added an option to the Cardlock Polling Journal to have emailed to the person running it a .csv file suitable for use in Excel.  This file contains data on all the transactions in the batch, including some data that doesn't appear on the journal. ...

C/L Sites – adding masters

Cardlock sites have always needed to have explicit pricing, as well as setups in the G/L posting codes.  This reflects their origin as a limited entity, for in the beginning the only sites that were maintained were the ones our clients owned.  Now we're all...

Default Order Date

By default, the Order Date offered to the user at the start of Order Entry is the same as the front-screen A/R Date.  A client has asked that to be changed to the system date.  For example, this client hasn't closed July, so the A/R...

Driver Recap change

The Driver Recap has a summary at the end to show totals by Product/Pack for the entire report.  By default, the sort order is first by PCAT, then by Product code.  This would create a list with fuels first, then the lubes grouped by PCAT,...