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Customer lookup enhancements

The prompt "ENTER CUSTOMER CODE" has always had some hidden powers to search for things like text matches.  One could preface an entry with a single pipe (|), followed by some text, and would get results where that text is found somewhere in the names...

CSU imports and the Off Road flag

We have long had an internal flag on cards used to mark some cards as "OFF ROAD", but the networks don't really recognize that.  As a consequence, importing card additions and changes via the CSU import would not support this flag.  We have adapted by...

Transportation after 2025 – without oil?

Sharing this note sent to PRX staff on April 13, 2016:   Team –   I attended an interesting presentation last night at ASU's Skysong.  In that, Dr. Mike Tamor presented a concept that I think has its genesis at Ford Motor Company and has been floated so far...

Logging use of the C/L billing checker

For some time we've recommended that the Cardlock Menu '$' option be used to examine the billing file for unreasonable margins.  Specifically, we think that before any batch is posted, this utility should be run, ranking for cents per gallon profit.  Whether high or low,...

A/R Change in Cash Requirements List

The Cash Requirements List out of C/D has an option to include expected Accounts Receivables in the summary by day that appears at the end of the report.  We've made two changes: There is now a running total A/R column, just as there was always a...

Fees that look like taxes on the invoice

Calling attention to an invoice 'trick' that's not obviously available:   When mixing products, their taxes, and add-on fees, the usual way the invoice print handles this is to print the product, followed by the taxes, then on to the next product.  The last product, and the...