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PetroleumRx > Uncategorized  > C/L Sites – adding masters

C/L Sites – adding masters

Cardlock sites have always needed to have explicit pricing, as well as setups in the G/L posting codes.  This reflects their origin as a limited entity, for in the beginning the only sites that were maintained were the ones our clients owned.  Now we’re all maintaining thousands of sites, most of which are set up about the same.  So we’re introducing Pricing Master and Posting Master to Site Maintenance, pump zero.  As implied, the Pricing Master is used to point to some other site that will hold the pricing we need, while the Posting will point to another site to be used to get the sales tax zone, warehouse, PCAT and profit center.  This will make it easier to add more sites in PRX without maintaining so much support data.

The maintenance screen was revised (for pump zero) as shown:


