Profile tax support on the Tax Reports
We have modified the Excise Tax Reports to pick up all taxes on the profiles, and not just the "PRODHEAD" taxes, the single Federal, State and Miscellaneous authorities that are seen in Order Entry, or that are maintained in Site Posting Codes. Installation is retroactive;...
Fleet Analytics Report
Note a major new report and .csv export, designed to become the key means of contact with your cardlock accounts, outside of the invoices. It combines several themes already present, just better organized and controlled: Like the Excel email of cardlock transactions, this is something that...
HTML Email Body
The PRX system now supports HTML email bodies for documents that are emailed out of the PRX system such as invoices, statements, EFT's, and so on. HTML emails provide a “professional” looking email body and offer advantages of HTML properties such as “links” to web pages, etc. Go from...
Rebates as a new Customer Screen
We've added another Customer Maintenance screen to list the rebates the customer is tied to. At present, we show only the rebate number, the price table and the discount. We expect to expand this later to a display of rebate activity. Access it via "REB"...
Credit Card Fees as a Reversed Discount
We're seeing more surcharge activity related to the acceptance of credit cards. This is built into our online payments, and we see some of our clients looking to manage it manually from Cash Receipts. For now, we're running it through the existing mechanism to track...
Sub-Types on Cash Receipts Credit Card Imports
Credit Card imports to Cash Receipts has always works off a Type, or source, such as Sinclair, Wells Fargo, Shell, Conoco, and so forth. Those who import from DTN make a type for DTN. Later, when importing into Cash Receipts, one can import just for...