G/L Business Groups – Exclude option
Business Groups are a means of creating an Income Statement from a sum of sectors (divisions). They are used when the natural roll-up to consolidated doesn't produce what's needed. One normally builds a group by listing the sectors to add: perhaps 1-05, plus 2-05 and...
New Definition – Sector
We are now using the term "Sector" to refer to what might be thought of as a profit center in the general ledger. The issue: some clients have a chart that uses both a division and an area, while others just use division. We have...
Alpha keyboard entry support in Cardlock
The Misc Keyboard field in PRX has always been a numeric field, but alphanumeric input is starting to appear from pumps and networks that support such. Be aware that we have patches now to track through the polling and billing, out to RxWeb and excel...
Mailbag – explaining the concept
The new product Mailbag was unveiled at our 2015 Seminar this month. We'll push out more about it later, but let me try here to explain the concept. Mailbag is our name for a new printer option, where we now have fax, email, file, printer...
Cardlock isolation in the Extended Margin Report
The Extended Margin Report is a favorite everywhere. It can show sales detail down to the invoice line level, yet can also condense to just totals, and can be filtered by almost every criteria imaginable. We just added one more filter, and that is the...
Product Maintenance Rank option
Like Customers, Products are ranked each night. For some time, Customer Maintenance had an option to step though accounts, using "N" for next, in the order of one of 7 rankings. We've just added a similar option for Products. Products are ranked in four ways: Total...